Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Tardis

Well, it's made it on to Al's blog (courtesy of Fraser) and Thorks' blog, now it's done it again. The Tardis has yet again been a source of amusement at work. Today I passed Colin Nimick in the hall carrying some freshly heated chicken drumsticks and I wondered why he was eyeing me off. Turns out he was eyeing off my food and he came to my desk about 10 mins later and asked "Where did you get those chicken drumsticks?". I told him a brought them from home and he replied, "I've been upstairs in the canteen looking for these fabulous chicken drumsticks! Now I don't know what to eat!"

For those of you who don't know what the Tardis is, it's a nickname for my lunchbox. It was dubbed that on account of how much food we're able to stuff in to it each day. It's been a regular topic of conversation during lunch time at work (okay, we don't get out much).


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