Sin City

Just watched Sin City last night for the first time and I must say I was very impressed. While the plot(s) were a bit lacking in detail, I was blown away by the cinematography - it really does look and seem like you're ready a comic book!
I think you could pretty much pause the movie at any point and add a bubble with the dialogue for that scene. As a consquence, the dialogue is a lacking, but it's an amazing way to film. You can also tell that Quentin Tarantino was a guest producer. Well worth watching. All comments appreciated, I'd like to know what you all thought of it.
Nothing much has been happening in my life recently. I've been very busy at work on a website for one of our new clients. I did go out a couple of times in the past couple of weeks though, which was great, but I can't remember much about those nights.
Luvena has been very good and diligently adding entries every week. I'm a bit lazier. Without much going on, I find it hard to think of stuff to write. I do enjoy watching movies though, so here's a few others I've watched recently:
- Hide and seek - mediocre horror film
- Shaun of the dead - brilliant UK comedy that coined the term Rom-Zom-Com (Romantic Zombie Comedy movie), even better second time around
- Hitch - quite amusing romantic comedy starring Will Smith
- Se7en - good for getting Lu to cuddle me during the scary bits
- White noise - okay horror film, a couple of good scenes that make you jump
We'll be watching World of the Worlds, Wedding Crashers, The Machinist and Batman Begins soon, so I'll write about them next if they're any good.
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