Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Things I like about London - part 1

The amazing documentaries on TV.

Forget Lost and Big Brother. What's got me hooked here are the great documentaries. We watched a really good one last night. It was the last part of a three part doco following the lives of several disabled children and the impact that constantly having to care for them had on their families. The first episode was about when they were born, the second when they were about 2 or 3 and last night they were about to turn 5. Some of their parents never thought they would see their kid reach that age.
Born to be different

We also watched an amazing one about 2 boys, one of who stabbed the other friend because he believed that he had been recruited as an undercover agent and his mission was to kill the other boy. It turned out that he had received his instructions from a woman in a chat room who purported to be another secret agent but was, in actual fact, the boy who was stabbed. In fact, the boy who was stabbed invented a series over 100 different characters who interacted in the chat room with the boy who believed he was a spy. Completely compelling viewing.
Psycho - Kill Me If You Can

Things that still puzzle me:

Why people insist on asking 'are you alright' when I first meet them. I always have a panic and think that the reason they are asking this is because, clearly, I don't look OK. My first reaction is to think that I must look incredibly clumsy and have just tripped over something and hurt myself, or that I look ill or that something dramatic has happened and I've just missed it. Weird.


At 5:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be honest when I say, WHAT? I got completely lost when you were describing your TV watching about the boy who was stabbed cause he was 1000 different characters and told someone else to stab him cause he was a women who was controlling some kid who wanted to be a secret agent.
Actually I think i got it now.


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