Sunday, December 31, 2006

Welcome to Washington

The Capital Building

... DC that is. Between Christmas and New Year's we visited DC to see the nation's capital. We caught the "Chinatown Express" (cheap coaches that run to and from DC and other places along the East Coast. They run from Chinatown in NY to the Chinatown in the place you are travelling to) and stayed for 3 days and 2 nights. Unfortunately, just before we left, ex-president Gerald Ford passed away which meant that a lot of the city shut down to prepare for his funeral arrangements. As a result, we didn't actually get a chance to go inside the Capital Building but we still managed to get views from the outside and take lots of pictures. You can't go inside a lot of the buildings like the White House and the Pentagon since 9/11 which is also a shame. Lu's parents have been and they said they were both very interesting.

Below are some other pictures of our trip...

James outside the war memorial

The Lincoln Memorial

The view of the Washington Memorial from the Lincoln Memorial steps

Statue of Lincoln inside the Lincoln Memorial

View of the Lincoln Memorial

James by the Washington Memorial

Inside the War Memorial

Lu outside the White House

James next to an "old" Vax machine at the Air and Space Museum (James used to programme these in his first job at VicRoads!!)


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