Friday, December 08, 2006

Grab your scarf!

Wow it's cold today! It was 18 degrees F when we woke up this morning (that's almost -8 degrees C) with a wind chill that makes it seem -17 degrees C. James just got to work and told me it felt even colder then when we went skiing in Les Arcs (France) a couple of winters ago. What are we going to be like in Jan/Feb/March when it gets properly cold???!

Although James is thinking that we might go to Miami or somewhere in Florida for my birthday in February - anywhere warm really!

We're also hoping to go away somewhere between Christmas and New Years as it seems a waste to have a week off and not go anywhere. The only problem is trying to find somewhere not to far away that the travel guides say is OK to go in winter. The best option so far is looking like Washington DC as there are heaps of museums all together in one area that we can shelter in if the weather is really horrible.

Well, we're also going to have to brave the elements tonight as its our first meet-up group meeting tonigh. We're meeting up with a bunch of other people that are new/relatively new to NY for drinks tonight and then we're off to look at the Christmas lights/tree at the Rockerfeller Centre (ie. outdoors). Brrrrrr....


At 10:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys! Didn't know you moved to New York!!! How was it? :D Hope I will get a chance to see you guys there~

Happy new year to James & Luvena~

p.s. my blog has moved to :)


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