On Saturday night we went to Nat's 30th birthday bash. We had a great time - I had a chance to catch up with Harsha and Nat, and Luvena had an opportunity to meet some more of my colleagues. The music was great but we both drank a bit too much.
So at 8am we set off to Southampton on the National Express bus nursing our sore heads. Luckily we had a 3 hour coach ride to recover and were fine by the time we got there. Southampton is located in the south of England across from the Isle of Wight.

It is a very old town that was originally a walled city. The original town gates, known locally as Bargate, still stand and used to be shut every night at the ring of a bell.

A lot of the original town wall still exists. However, the rest of Southampton is very modern. There are a lot of large shopping malls and modern developments nestled in next to old stone walls and tudor houses.

This is the Tudor House museum, unfortunately it wasn't open when we were there.

We stopped for lunch at a 12th century pub called The Red Lion.

After lunch we wandered around the city for a couple of hours and ended up down by the marina at Ocean Village. Lots of expensive yachts and newly built flats lining the water.

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