Still alive
Not to copy my mate Al's blog or anything, but I'm also still alive. Yes, I realise I haven't posted anything since about this time last year, but, hey, I'm lazy. I have also been incredibly busy at work and the two don't go well together.
Here's a picture my parents requested today of the building site next door. We now get to wake up to heavy machinery every Saturday morning at 8am. Luckily we're usually out of here by that time on weekdays. This photo really doesn't do the crane justice - you can't even see the top of it! It's over 60 feet high though.

When I wasn't working over the past month, I was watching the snooker. Yes, I'm one of those sad people who enjoys watching it on tv. And yes, Luvena hates watching it, but if I can sit through wife swap she can sit through snooker. It's coming up to the world cup soon too, Lu! Yay!
Now that Thorks is back from San Francisco he's planned some big nights for the world cup in our work bar - reminiscent of the Euro 2004 series. Should be good fun. I'm just waiting for summer to finally arrive so I can head out to Cuba Libre and drinks cocktails until late in the night.
This post has probably pushed the post that Lu wrote announcing her parents' driving trip from Australia to London. We've had some updates and photos from them so check them out at
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